Online Appointment Booking
No longer available. Please call 519-238-2362 to make an appointment.
No longer available. Please call 519-238-2362 to make an appointment.
Select the practitioner or service for which you would like to book an appointment.
Dr. McLean offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Dr. Wiley offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Dr. Hammond offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Dr. Van Osch offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Dr. O’Reilly offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Nurse practitioner (NP), Christina Holst, offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Nurse practitioner (NP), Jill Payne, offers online appointment booking for the following services:
Physiotherapist Ian McCrae offers online appointment booking ONLY for the follow-up appointments listed below.
Note: A referral is required for all physiotherapy services.
Online appointment booking is ONLY for those with a family doctor at the GBACHC.
The Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre (GBACHC) is a non-profit, community-governed organization that provides comprehensive primary health care and interprofessional health services.
The Grand Bend Area Health Service Foundation (GBAHSF) is a charitable organization that undertakes fundraising for the GBACHC. It receives and distributes funds necessary to assist with capital requirements.
© 2025 Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre.